Wise Mind Nutrition for Practitioners

The mobile app was built to make your job as a coach or clinician easier and more productive. Learn how you can support your clients using gentle technology.

Support Your Clients on the Revolutionary Wise Mind Nutrition App

If you are a mental health professional and know that nutrition and lifestyle medicine should be an essential part of your transformative work, but it falls outside your scope or expertise, we built a tool for you.

Follow your clients as they set intentions, log their meals, journal, and learn about best practices for eating food for mood and brain health. The nutrition message is “non-diet,” which means it is not a calorie-tracking app. Instead, we focus on the qualitative components of eating and promote health in a trauma-informed way. The message is non-triggering and safe for anyone with any form of disordered eating.

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Wise Mind Nutrition App for Professionals

Wise Mind Nutrition Connect

Enhance Your Practice with Nutrition-Based Mental Health Support

Wise Mind Nutrition is designed to bridge the gap between nutrition and mental health, offering a comprehensive tool that empowers professionals and your clients. The app provides evidence-based nutritional guidance to improve mental health outcomes such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, disordered eating, and addictions. With our Connect feature, you can seamlessly integrate this powerful resource into your practice.

What is the Connect Feature?

The Connect feature is an innovative tool that allows practitioners to:

  • Monitor Clients’ Food Logs: Gain insights into your clients’ dietary habits and patterns.
  • Track Progress: Observe changes and improvements in clients’ nutritional intake and mental health over time.
  • Provide Personalized Feedback: Offer tailored advice based on their data.


Benefits for Your Practice

  1. Enhance Client Outcomes

Nutrition plays a crucial role in mental health. Integrating Wise Mind Nutrition into your practice provides clients with a structured approach to using food to improve their mood and overall brain health. 

  1. Save Time and Improve Efficiency

The Connect feature streamlines the process of monitoring and advising clients. Easy access to their food logs and journaling allows you to offer more precise and effective guidance without additional administrative burden.

  1. Evidence-Based Support

Wise Mind Nutrition is grounded in the latest research on nutritional psychology and functional medicine. Our app equips you with the tools and knowledge to support science-based dietary advice sensitive to mental health needs.

  1. Eating Disorder Informed

Safe, non-triggering nutrition information without calories encourages what to do/eat rather than what not to do/eat. We know how sensitive nutrition education can be, and we got your clients covered with trauma-informed health messaging. 

How It Works

  1. Sign Up for a Free Account

Create an account on Wise Mind Nutrition. This will give you access to the Connect feature and allow you to follow a client for free. 

  1. Invite Your Clients

Invite clients to join the app and share their usernames with you. Send them a Connect request, encourage them to log their food intake, and use the app’s journaling resources to support their mental health journey.

  1. Monitor and Guide

Use the Connect feature to monitor clients’ logs, track their progress, and provide personalized feedback. Stay informed about their dietary habits and make data-driven recommendations.

Work the Program

You’re probably very busy and might not be looking for nutrition advice, but many professionals have gone through the modules to learn more about the approach and to download the recipes, handouts, etc. You would spend about 10-15 minutes per day for about six weeks to experience the entire program and can work at a much slower pace if need be. 

Get Started Today

Join the growing community of professionals enhancing their practice with Wise Mind Nutrition. Sign up now to start using the Connect feature and make a lasting impact on your client’s mental health through nutrition.

Looking for Support?

Tell me a little about yourself, and we can meet to discuss how you can use Wise Mind Nutrition in your clinic or practice.

For Patients

Revolutionize your mental well-being with Wise Mind Nutrition—an unparalleled journey into the transformative power of nutrition. Dive into the intricate link between diet and cognition, redefining your relationship with food, body, and health. Elevate your mood, conquer anxiety, and embark on a holistic path to recovery and wellness with our trusted companion.

Affordable Wellness and Personalized Protocols:

Say goodbye to exorbitant costs! Wise Mind Nutrition offers an affordable wellness solution, unraveling the secrets of nutritional psychology. Discover evidence-based ways to enhance mood and brain health through a personalized, non-diet approach tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Supportive Environment and Eating Disorder Informed:

Prioritizing safety and inclusivity, our app is eating-disorder-friendly and trauma-informed. It’s a safe haven for exploring your relationship with food and mental health without judgment. Wise Mind Nutrition strikes a compassionate balance, ensuring a secure resource for individuals with disordered eating.

Proven Healing and Recovery:

Experience gentle guidance toward improved mental health and emotional well-being. Our app, developed with a focus on healing work, employs proven strategies. Based on mental health screening tools, personalized programs allow you to track your progress over time, promoting lasting recovery.

Wise Mind Nutrition Targets Symptoms of:

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD/Trauma
  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Food Addiction
  • Eating Disorders

Nutrition Wisdom and Guidance:

Embark on your journey with insights from Dr. David Wiss and qualified dietitians. Unearth the connection between mental state and food choices through a wealth of resources, including guided meditations, cooking instructions, recipes, and more.

Track Progress in a Novel Way:

Our unique food log focuses on qualitative aspects—food groups, plant colors, and internal hunger cues. Sustainable and transformative, this approach liberates you from the shackles of diets, ensuring lasting results beyond the program.

The Wise Mind Nutrition App Includes the Following:

Nutrition Wisdom: Unlock the secrets of nutrition for mental health

Mood Tracking: Explore the connection between your mood and food

Nutrition Guidance: Video series with assignments

Eating Disorder Support: A safe space for your mental health journey

Recovery Matters: Support for individuals on the path to recovery

Connect with Other Users: Optional data-sharing and chat

Join Dr. Wiss & colleagues for an epic mental health event on October 10th in Los Angeles