About David Wiss PhD
Dr. David Wiss is an independent thinker unafraid to challenge the status quo in the nutrition field. Dr. Wiss pioneered the field of nutrition for addiction recovery and is a world-renowned expert in disordered eating. His mental health research bridges gaps between neurological, psychological, behavioral, and nutritional sciences.
Dr. David has treated over 1,000 patients in the last twelve years using a food-positive functional medicine approach through his practice, Nutrition In Recovery. Dr. Wiss has developed innovative methods for using nutrition to improve mental health without feeling like a “diet.” Dr. Wiss believes gut health is the key to brain health and wants to show you how to heal yourself and help your clients.
Dr. David Wiss brings his twelve years of experience as a mental health nutritionist to patients, treatment facilities, institutions, academics, and the press.
Individual and family counseling, functional medicine, group facilitation
Professional supervision, staff training, expert opinion/quote
Academic conferences, podcasts, wellness workshops
Joint efforts on research, statistical analysis, manuscript writing
With over 20 peer-reviewed journal publications, Dr. Wiss is dedicated to disseminating his findings and progressive perspectives at the intersection of nutrition and mental health.
Dietary restraint and food addiction
Food addiction cases should always be conceptualized in a psychosocial context, including life history and current mental…
Ultra-processed foods and mental health: Where do eating disorders fit into the puzzle?
Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) like pastries, packaged snacks, fast foods, and sweetened beverages have become dominant in the…
A novel weight suppression score associates with distinct eating disorder symptoms
Weight suppression has been defined as diet-induced weight loss, traditionally operationalized as the difference between one’s highest…
Dr. Wiss is available to provide trainings to your staff or organization on mental health nutrition, addictions, disordered eating, and more.
If you would like to feature Dr. Wiss on your podcast, please send a message and we will gladly discuss a collaboration with you.
Capturing the larger systemic issues in the field, these blogs point to public health solutions. There exists great opportunity to integrate nutrition into behavioral health.