Satiated Podcast with Stephanie Mara Fox

How Trauma and Mental Health Issues Will Affect the Foods You're Drawn to Eating with Dr. David Wiss

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Satiated Podcast – April 2024

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    Nutrition and Trauma: Insights from Dr. David Wiss on Healing and Recovery

    In a recent interview, Dr. David Wiss, a registered dietitian nutritionist with a Ph.D. in public health, shared valuable perspectives on the intricate relationship between nutrition and trauma. His approach offers a nuanced understanding of how our eating habits can be influenced by past experiences and how nutrition can play a role in the healing process.

    Dr. Wiss emphasizes the importance of recognizing how trauma can affect our relationship with food. He states, “Childhood adversity, PTSD, complex trauma… changes the reward pathways in the brain. And then make someone more likely to assign value to rewarding substances as a way of reducing negative affect.”

    This insight highlights how nutrition and trauma are often interconnected, with food sometimes serving as a coping mechanism for those who have experienced traumatic events.

    Ultra-Processed Foods and Trauma Response

    One key aspect of Dr. Wiss’s work focuses on the connection between trauma and the consumption of ultra-processed foods. He explains, “There are very clear biological mechanisms… that childhood adversity, PTSD, complex trauma… changes the reward pathways in the brain.” This can lead individuals to seek out highly palatable, ultra-processed foods as a way to self-soothe.

    Navigating Nutrition and Trauma Recovery

    Dr. Wiss advocates for a balanced approach when addressing nutrition and trauma. He suggests:

    1. Assessing cognitive rigidity versus flexibility
    2. Creating structure around eating patterns
    3. Focusing on food groups rather than strict meal plans
    4. Developing mindful eating practices

    This approach allows for personalized strategies that consider an individual’s unique experiences with both nutrition and trauma.

    The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health Recovery

    When discussing the broader implications of nutrition and trauma, Dr. Wiss notes, “Nutrition isn’t just about eating disorders and gut health. Nutrition is about overall brain health.” This perspective emphasizes the importance of considering nutrition in the context of overall mental health and trauma recovery.

    Tools for Healing: The Wise Mind Nutrition App

    To make resources more accessible for those navigating nutrition and trauma, Dr. Wiss developed the Wise Mind Nutrition app. This tool offers personalized guidance, educational content, and community support for individuals looking to improve their relationship with food in the context of past traumas.

    Dr. Wiss’s work represents an important step in understanding the complex relationship between nutrition and trauma. By promoting a nuanced, individualized approach to eating, he offers hope for more effective, personalized strategies in trauma recovery and overall mental health improvement.

    Join Dr. Wiss & colleagues for an epic mental health event on October 10th in Los Angeles
